I had forgotten how beautiful this place is in spring - absolutely beautiful. Maybe its because everything is smaller - the streets, the shops, the houses, the colour seems more concentrated there are literally flowers everywhere you look. The daffs have died off now but have been replaced with tulips, and all sorts of other flowers which I unfortunately dont know the names of and of course the trees are covered in blossoms. I have also discovered that my snotty nose could be hay fever after all.
The teens have been off this week so I have been able to take Erin to riding and I got to go along on the rides using a bicycle that belongs to my crazy friend and in case you are wondering the little rat in the basket is her dog Pookie. Having had 3 kids hanging off the front and sides of my shopping trolleys over the years definitely came in handy trying to balance this little load in the front. I have never been much of a cyclist but I think I may be hooked, it was fantastic cycling through the forest. I then went back to the stables with them and hauled muck for an hour on both occasions and seriously I could hardly walk when I got in last night, I went to bed at 8.30pm.
And tonight we are off to celebrate the start of spring at a friend and yes you guessed it we are having a braai or BBQ Brit style, DH is head chef so maybe he can show them a thing or two. And then next week it's the wedding and we are all getting spruced up for that, cant wait!